What Drawings are needed for Planning Permission?

What Drawings are needed for Planning Permission?


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What Drawings are Needed for Planning Permission?

Planning permission is a crucial step in the process of building or extending a property. It ensures that all construction work complies with local building regulations and standards, maintaining the integrity and aesthetic of the neighbourhood. One of the key elements in obtaining planning permission is submitting accurate and detailed drawings of your proposed project. If looking to embark on a construction project, this blog will help you understand what planning permission drawings you need to prepare.

Understanding Planning Permission Drawings

Planning permission drawings are technical illustrations that provide a visual representation of your proposed construction or extension project. They give local authorities a clear understanding of what you intend to build, how it will look, and how it will fit into its surroundings. These drawings should be precise, detailed, and professionally done as they form the basis for approval or rejection of your planning application.

Types of Planning Permission Drawings

1. Location Plan

A location plan is an essential part of planning permission drawings in Wigan. It shows the site area and its surrounding context on an OS base at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 for larger sites. The plan should clearly indicate the development’s position relative to neighbouring properties, roads, and landmarks.

2. Site Plan (Block Plan)

The site plan or block plan provides more detail about your proposed development within its immediate surroundings at a scale typically 1:200 or 1:500. It should show all boundaries, existing buildings to be demolished, new constructions with their uses labelled, parking arrangements, trees and other landscape features

3. Existing and Proposed Floor Plans

These plans show the layout of each floor level in detail for both existing buildings (if any) and proposed ones at a scale usually 1:50 or 1:100. They should include all rooms labelled with their uses, doors and windows, stairs, walls, and other built features.

4. Existing and Proposed Elevations

Elevations are drawings that show the exterior view of each side of the building at a scale typically 1:50 or 1:100. They should include existing and proposed views with all materials labelled, windows and doors, roof details, and any other architectural features.

5. Sections

Sections are cut-through drawings at a scale typically 1:50 or 1:100 showing the construction details including floor levels, room heights, staircase details, door and window heights etc. They can also show how the new building relates to neighbouring properties.

6. Roof Plans

A roof plan is a view from above showing the layout of the roof including ridges, valleys, chimneys etc., if changes are proposed to it.

The Importance of Professional Planning Permission Drawings

Professional planning permission drawings in are crucial for several reasons. Firstly, they ensure that your proposed project meets all local regulations and standards. This can save you from costly fines or having to make changes to your project later on.

Secondly, professional drawings can help speed up the approval process. Detailed and accurate plans give local authorities all the information they need to make an informed decision about your application.

Finally, these drawings can be used as a reference during construction. They provide contractors with clear instructions on how to execute your project correctly.


In conclusion, planning permission drawings are an essential part of any construction or extension project. These technical illustrations provide a detailed visual representation of your proposed project and form the basis for approval by local authorities. By ensuring these drawings are professionally done and include all necessary details such as location plans, site plans (block plan), existing & proposed floor plans/elevations/sections/roof plan etc., you can increase your chances of obtaining planning permission quickly and smoothly while avoiding potential issues during construction.